Thursday 25 June 2015

NIP+FAB Product Review and Gym Bag Essentials

I've seen so much hype about Nip + Fab recently, mostly due to Kylie Jenner becoming the face of the brand and everything the Jenners/Kardashians touch turns to Gold! I first stumbled across Nip + Fab when I bought the Yoga Blend Shower Gel 500ml and Body Cream 500ml ages ago and fell completely in love with it! The smell really is amazing and it relaxes me...which is quite a statement considering it's just a shower gel and body cream. In it contains Lavender, Coconut Oil and Rose and they last for ages, it doesn't smell false or chemically at all, its smells very natural and its just so so relaxing! They should definitely bring this scent out in a candle. I've tested so many products in the past and the natural products definitely appeal to me more, Im not keen on putting chemicals on my skin.

I was so impressed with it I've decided to try a few of their other products. 

First up was the other showers gels in their range, I was so impressed with the quality of the Yoga Blend that I wanted to see if I got the same from the others. I bought a large 500ml of the Energy Boost containing Lemon, Sweet Mandarin and Grapefruit. And a trio set of Yoga Blend, Detox Blend (Frankincense Oil, Tea Tree, Green Tea and Jasmine) and Destress Blend ( Frankincense, Orange Blossom and Sandalwood). 

The fragrances of the shower gels were lovely but I found them a little synthetic so not as much of a natural scent as I was hoping for and it didn't have as much of an effect on me as the Yoga Blend. Still lovely smelling but the Yoga range is still my firm favourite out of these! 

The hand cream set in the same fragrances were really nice, thick cream which settled into the skin quickly, they all smelled lovely and had a more natural smelling scent then the shower gels but again (maybe I'm biased) but I still love the Yoga Blend so much because I do find it relaxes me.

Next up is the Body Slim Fix from the Fitness Range, obviously I'm so keen to try products that has anything to do with fitness at all. And although I disagree with any companies claiming of you can drop a dress size from a bottle (which we all know doesn't work) I wanted to see if it had any effect on me at all. The Body Slim Fix aims to moisturise, tone and firm the skin, improves body contoures for a firmer and slimmer appearance. I put this on after a shower and after a few days (surprisingly) I did start to notice a difference, my skin definitely felt smoother and more tight and toned. So if you girls are looking for an added piece to your gym bag and need an extra boost of confidence this is it.

The NIP + FAB Dark Spot Fix is something I wanted to try for a while as I've seen good reviews on it...even though I'm no where near the age of needing this sort of thing, I don't have dark spots or wrinkles and my skin is 1000 times better since switching my diet to Vegan. I do believe what you put into your body is far more important then the creams you put on it. Saying that since I was 18 Ive always looked after my skin, and now I try and put more natural things on it. But I decided to give it a go... prevention rather then solution right!

The serum contains Illumiscin to reduce the age spots and prevent more appearing, Vitamin C to improve skin tone and Olive Leaf for brightening, softening and increased elasticity.

I applied it at night after cleansing and toning, then after I would apply a moisturiser on top. My skin did have a glow to it, a added boost and I looked more awake. I was really impressed with this, Ive tried other anti ageing type products...such as the Holland & Barrett Olive Oil Eye Cream and that didn't have much of an effect on me. I do like that NIP + FAB use natural extracts in their products. 

Overall I would say the NIP + FAB are a great beauty range and their products are really high quality without the rediculous price tag. I have various gym other gym bunnies will understand.... and these shower gels, hand creams and fitness body slim fix will be in all of them!

Stace x


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