Friday 3 July 2015

Kern Fitness Review - A New Revolutionary Training Method

This week I've had the privilege of visiting the newly opened Kern Fitness, invited down by it's lovely owners to get a sneak preview and test out and review their new product. Before you switch off and think oh not another gym... It's a personal training company with a twist...or shall I say shock!

Kern Fitness combines personal training with Electro-Muscular-Stimulation (EMS). EMS stimulates the natural action of the nervous system and activates the muscle directly through electrodesThe principle of EMS is to send electrical stimuli into the deep muscle fibres through electrodes. Agonist and antagonist muscles are trained simultaneously and these electrical stimuli reach deep layers of all muscle groups at the same time so enables the user to train the whole body effectively. 

The owners are certainly experienced and suitably qualified. Cecelia is a Physiotherapist who's completing her PhD in Neuromuscular Diseases and her Husband German is an Industrial Engineer with a MBA. Both very qualified and very passionate about the business. 

Already Usain Bolt and Professional Premiership Football Clubs have been using this new training method. And recent evidence shows that it can increase your fast twitch muscle fibres by up to 30% so no wonder professional athletes are jumping on board this new training method.

It can also quickly increase strength by 12% and decrease body fat by 8% after only 12 sessions. 

So how does it work? If any of you have ever used a TENS machine, think of this, but a really big one! And instead of lying on the couch like your Physiotherapist tells you, you will be exercising at the same time. For those of you who haven't heard of this before it feels like little impulses are going through the muscles and your muscles are slightly contracting, its very gentle and don't think its like getting electrocuted, so no need to worry at all.

The goal for Kern Fitness is to achieve fast results with limited time. A session takes around 30mins to complete and thats it! 20mins workout and 10mins to get set up....In and out, so its perfect for busy lifestyles and people who don't normally have time to workout. They also recommend no more then 2 sessions a week, again really good for busy bodies but also fantastic for elite athletes so they can fit other types of training in too. 

They state that their method of training is the equivalent of 3-4 hours of conventional training. The reason for this is for every second of EMS Activation your muscles are stimulated 85 times, generating a resistance that you have to work against. 

My personal trainer on the day was Carra Jay, a lovely girl who certainly knew all her stuff about the company, the equipment and the science behind it all. I basically interrogated her, I'm very cautious of new fitness trends, but you can't argue with science, and I wanted to know the in's and outs of everything. 

Carra explained that I would have to change out of my gym kit and into the clothing they provided. The clothes have a special material that conducts the EMS for full efficiency (a heads up to the ladies, don't wear a sports bra with a wire because you're not allowed to wear it). Next came my body armour, full of wires and straps and looking like something out of the Transformers or in a Sci-Fi film I was connected to the Miha Bodytec Machine and ready to go. 

Carra explained that there are various programmes I could do, but for this time we would do a basic induction programme. The electrical stimuli sent to activate the muscles is personalised to each persons threshold of what they feel comfortable with, and gradually the intensity was built up. The stronger the impulse intensity, the more muscle fibres are recruited and the stronger the muscle contraction.

It was a strange sensation for me but having used TENS machines before in my Athletics career and on my own personal clients I was used to it, I just wasn't used to exercising at the same time though!
We gently went through various exercises like squats, lunges, chest press, bicep curl and then after a while light weights were added for even more resistance. EMS is fantastic for anyone who's injured too because its non impact, it doesn't require jumping up and down with dramatic large scale movements. This type of training is more about resistance, slower controlled movements with a focus on body posture, breathing and performing the correct techniques. A little like Pilates in a way, except everything is one to one, so you really get the best out of your session. 

So the good news, I was completely sold to it. One of my pet hates as a PT and Sports Therapist is seeing instructors allowing clients to perform exercises incorrectly and telling them to jump higher or go quicker. All when the basic postural positions and movement techniques are incorrect, it's a recipe for disaster and will end up in injuries. Carra corrected my movements at any time I was out of line, and I felt really looked after which was fab customer service! 

After my session I was advised to lie down for a moment for all metabolic boost. This is when all of your muscles are stimulated by the electric current at once, it felt a little like my muscles were vibrating on their own. A really odd experience but nice! 

After my session I changed out of the provided clothing and into my gym kit. They explained that I might be a little sore, and writing this the day after I am! I feel muscle soreness or DOMS as I like to call it, in my Glutes, Core, and Biceps. Nothing that I haven't experienced before, and I'm one of those people who likes to feel sore the day after because I feel I have worked really hard. And although I feel I didn't do much in the session, I did feel a little drained immediately after the session but it's not the type of exhaustion you experience after finishing an Insanity Class or something similar but generally fatigued overall. The day after though I feel like I've done a heavy weights session. 

I feel better posture wise and I'm very aware of my movement patterns. EMS is fantastic for engaging and activating the muscles, so for anyone who suffers with muscle weakness and unable to actively trigger a muscle themselves this is very very good. Whilst quite pricey at £25 a session, there are price reductions with various packages on offer and in London its double this price. Although you do get what your pay for and this is an exceptional new product and service with brand new innovative technology. Il also be advising this concept to Physiotherapists and Sports Therapists as I think it's a very good Rehabilitation tool. From busy people, elite athletes to anyone suffering with injuries this would be perfect for improving performance, gaining strength, improving posture and musculoskeletal movement patterns, losing weight and improving muscle stability.

Stace x



  1. You are a great blogger and one of the best customers so far! We love having people intrigued about the technology and that appreciates the value of experienced and personalised training... THANKS for your review, is nice to read how people related to the field received this revolutionary concept, you are welcome back any time!
    All the best :)

  2. Thank You Cecilia, I loved trying the product out! It's a fantastic new way of training and I think it will do very well! :)

  3. This sounds really interesting and something a little different. Thanks for linking to #LoveNorthEast

    1. Hi! Just saw this comment now. Thanks for the feedback, lovely to see new exercise offerings in Newcastle :) x

  4. The electrical stimuli sent to activate the muscles is personalised to each persons threshold of what they feel comfortable with, and gradually the intensity was built up. The stronger the impulse intensity, the more muscle fibres are recruited and the stronger the muscle contraction.

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