Once upon a time Deadlifts, Hand-clings, Snatches, Plyometrics and generally throwing an Olympic Weightlifting bar around was the norm for me. Movements of which rival a Russian Circus Team and environments most people are too scared to enter was my like my second home.
After getting out of the Athletics scene I've experimented in different forms of exercise to keep me entertained, all great for short periods of time but I end up bored and then see it as a waste of money. Then slowly and surely a montomous disheartening routine soon emerges and I find myself on the cross trainer once again staring at a screen, trying to push myself with all my might, wishing I wasn't there and wishing I was back in a professional gym.
Ive visited most of the gyms and fitness environments in Newcastle and the North East and so far I've not found anything that 'gets me'. If I've been excited about a gym and I see it has loads of potential for me then normally they tell me that the package I'm looking at will be £100 to £400 a month. So I begin my search again. Quality exercise should not be that expensive!
After searches and searches Ive stumbled across a training facility that is exactly what I've been looking for. In a way I actually don't want to tell you about it because selfishly I want it all to myself!
Urban Fit Gym is a specialised Strength and Conditioning Training Facility in Throckley, Newcastle. Owner James Murray has years of experience in the Industry. He has previously worked with NUFC as the Strength and Conditioning Coach and was a Lecturer of Sports Therapy at Newcastle College amongst doing many other things within the industry. A CV to impress the sporting elite!
This Gym focuses on Strength and Conditioning, with Personal Trainers on sight to coach you (for no extra cost). Their focus is high quality training with injury prevention and cure. Sports Therapists are also on site to make sure everything you do is biomechanically correct. This is the perfect place, as the staff are not just PT's.
Urban Fit Gym also focuses on education, they want to train you but also educate you at the same time, so you always leave your session knowing more then the previous day and they want you to know what Strength and Conditioning really means. They also regularly run courses on Active IQ Personal Training, Sports Massage, Kettlebell Qualifications and many more, so if you have caught the bug you can become a PT too.

They've been putting me through my paces, pushing me hard but also looking after my weaknesses (shin pain caused from chronic medial tibial stress syndrome, spontaneous knee pain and lordosis). Within the first session I was sold to it completely. I felt so looked after, James knows what he is talking about, and I think the main thing for me was because it wasn't just about fat loss which most gyms are. He explained what he had planned, and why. Not... 'just because I fancied it'. It isn't about extreme exercise which leaves you crippled for 5 days, as soon as your posture/form/technique weakens then you are told to stop. You are not performing quality movements, so this repeated over time only results in muscular imbalances and possibly injuries. As mentioned we also focused on my previous injuries and weaknesses, why had I got them in the first place and what we will do to rectify that. That was the winning ticket for me!
You are asked about your goals, so training is tailored to you, with a new Workout of the Day set out on the board (WOD) we regularly adapted them to suit me. Such as switching to the rowing machine instead of shuttle sprints (these can hurt my shins). WOD ranges from 15-30mins, they want you to put your absolute best into the session, not to worry about time but to focus on leaving everything in the gym. You are not limited to WOD though, you can also come in do your own session if you really want to, and it works on a drop in basis, so no booking in or timetables to stick to.
Apart from us ordinary folk the Sporting Elite also train here, with Professional Footballers, Boxers, Wrestlers, Motor Cross, Rugby Players, Runners, Entire Sports Teams and many more. They see this as an environment where they can work extremely hard, focus on themselves and their goals and looking to focus on Strength and Conditioning to improve their athletic performance.
The Urban Fit Gym want people who are serious about training, who have been perhaps disillusioned with training in the past and find it hard to maintain and sustain. They want to change your mindset and see training as a long term focus. Health is Wealth as I say! A lot of other gyms are focused on only exercising and eating correctly for a '6 week transformation' and then after that people return to their old habits, gain the weight back, become weak, and all the hard work has been undone... whilst costing you £400.00 for the experience.
Urban Fit Gym are open minded and do transformations if requested but they want to educate you on long term goals, long term training and healthy eating without the hefty price tag. They offer memberships from £50.00-£75.00 a month, with other packages available. Extremely good for money, and is a training facility which has longevity, not just to attend for a month and leave to go somewhere else.
Alongside the Gym is also Nutritional support, advice and personal plans made for you. Intolerances, allergies and preferences are all taken into account. Another huge bonus, as a lot of gyms only provide a basic nutritional plan given to everyone.
So time to get back into my Squats, Bulgarian Split Squats, Deadlifts, RDL's, Kettlebells, Cleans and many many many more. I wouldn't be able to list everything they do here, I would be on forever. The variety they have it excellent and you will not get bored! No 2 sessions are the same. I haven't been this excited and focused on training for a long time, there's only so much cross training one person can do on their own. In this Gym I'm in my element again.
Stace x